這是一篇關於校園ICT應用的介紹,包含:多媒體互動教學的製作技巧與應用 、數位學習平台與教學應用 、多媒體行動學習應用 、Web 2.0學習 等四個主題,約1萬5千字,相關參考資料如下。
- StreamAuthor 4.0串流大師說明
- Producer 2003 概觀。http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/office/powerpoint/producer/prodinfo/overview.mspx
- Producer 2003說明
- PowerCam 5.0說明。http://www.powercam.cc/
- 東吳大學教學資源中心-e世代教師養成系列Workshop(五)。http://ctl.scu.edu.tw/photo/photo_it/95IT/workshop5/
- Moodel.org。http://moodle.org/
- Moodle Demonstration Site。http://demo.moodle.org/
- Abdallah, F., Toffolon, C., & Warin, B. (2008). Models transformation to implement a Project-Based Collaborative Learning (PBCL) scenario: Moodle case study. Paper presented at the Proceedings - The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2008, Santander.
- ASTD. (2008). ASTD Announces 40 Winners in Its Sixth Annual BEST Awards. Retrieved 10/20, 2008, from http://www.astd.org/LC/news.htm
- Brine, J., Wilson, I., & Roy, D. (2007). Using moodle and other software tools in EFL courses in a Japanese IT University. Paper presented at the CIT 2007: 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima.
- Eales, S., & Scantlebury, N. (2007). Integrating library services and resources at the Open University. New Review of Information Networking, 13(1), 31-38.
- Harmon, S. W., & Jones, M. G. (1999). The five levels of web use in education: Factors to consider in planning online courses. Educational Technology, 39(6), 28-32.
- Moreno, L., González, C., Castilla, I., González, E. J., & Sigut, J. (2007). Use of constructivism and collaborative teaching in an ILP processors course. IEEE Transactions on Education, 50(2), 101-111.
- Vovides, Y., Sanchez-Alonso, S., Mitropoulou, V., & Nickmans, G. (2007). The use of e-learning course management systems to support learning strategies and to improve self-regulated learning. Educational Research Review, 2(1), 64-74.
- 教育部-六大學習網共同平台。http://learning.edu.tw/sixnet/
- 全國博碩士論文資訊網。http://etds.ncl.edu.tw/theabs/index.html
- Apple - iTunes + iPod 。http://www.apple.com/tw/itunes/
- Apple - Education - Mobile Learning。http://www.apple.com/education/mobile-learning/
- 如何訂閱Youtube上的單一系列影片至iTunes Podcast。http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=383&t=1081924
- RSSHandler-YouTube podcast for mobile, iTunes, PSP。http://www.rsshandler.com/converter
- 聲帶週波。第一次用iTunes Store買音樂。http://blog.roodo.com/beaux_tw/archives/2630192.html
- 豬欄。製作podcast教學。http://pigazine.blogspot.com/2005/07/podcast_08.html
- 數位校園應用解決方案。http://www.cc.kyu.edu.tw/deta/95/200706013.pdf
- 林立綺。數位學習發展之整合創新趨勢。http://www.itmag.org.tw/magazine/article_single_586.htm
- 高高屏區域教學資源中心 播客行動學習系統。http://podcast.isu.edu.tw/
Web 2.0學習
- Tim O`Reilly 著。盧澤宇 譯。什麼是Web 2.0。http://www.itmag.org.tw/magazine/article_single_138.htm
- Web 2.0 Summit 2009 - Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, October 20 - 22, 2009, San Francisco, CA。http://www.web2summit.com/web2009
- Google Reader。http://www.google.com/reader/
- yam天空部落。http://blog.yam.com/ask2bigrich
- 無名小站。http://www.wretch.cc/
- Facebook。www.facebook.com/
- Twitter推特。http://twitter.com/
- Plurk噗浪。http://www.plurk.com/
- Bernadette。A Teacher's Guide to Using Facebook。http://www.scribd.com/doc/16957158/Teachers-Guide-to-Using-Facebook-Read-Fullscreen
- Wikipedia。http://www.wikipedia.org/
- 維基百科攻略-知識分享最前線。KaurJmeb著
- 開放源碼網站。http://sourceforge.net/
- OSSF::自由軟體鑄造場(Open Source Software Foundry)。http://www.openfoundry.org/en/
- 「開放式課程計劃」 OOPS。Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System。http://www.myoops.org/
- 奇幻文化藝術基金會。http://www.fantasy.tw/